Monday, May 21, 2018

Three Ways to Improve Your Workplace Time Management Skills: Part 3 of 3

Now your workday is finally coming together. You have a detailed schedule, and you've learned to ask your coworkers for help so you're not overloaded. Those around you are starting to notice how motivated you are to increase your productivity and ultimately your success.

What if there were even one more way to maximize your time? (Hint: There is!)

Robot using computer Utilize Technology

Technology can be extremely beneficial in taking on tasks for you and relieving some of the pressure from your workload. Knowing how to use the tools you have access to and synchronizing them with your daily work routine can make life simpler in the long run.

For example, are you constantly switching between applications and looking up prospect information? Do you sometimes forget to enter phone leads into your CRM system when you're scrambling around on busy days? Reduce the time you're spending switching back and forth between windows as well as the number of leads you're losing by integrating your call tracking and CRM applications.

Or maybe you're struggling to keep up with repetitive customer calls to remind them of an upcoming appointment, notify them of a change to their account or even wish them a happy birthday. Use broadcast messaging technology to prerecord the information you want them to know and let the application relay the message for you.

By using technology to your advantage, getting that task list checked off will be less of a nightmare.

What techniques do you use to create more time in your busy work schedule? Let us know in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. Great insights on improving workplace culture! Fostering open communication and encouraging teamwork can truly enhance productivity. These strategies are practical and easy to implement. Thanks for sharing these valuable tips!
    Read more: Time Management Skills
